Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2021-06-17
Thursday June 17th 2021
A daily e-mailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
Dear Friends,
Today I share some odds and ends. I hope it encourages you.
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This morning as you read this, I’m driving home from Chicago. I drove up on Monday to make a visit and to do some reading for sermons. Some quick observations:
- I hear just as many sirens from my office in Champaign as I do from my hotel in on Huron. That may be an exaggeration, but not by much.
- I met my childhood friend Bret Godfrey on Monday in Chicago. He began, on Tuesday, a motorcycle ride driving the length of the now-decommissioned Route 66, from its origin on Jackson Boulevard and Michigan Avenue. On Sunday, he and a fellow rider hope to dip their toes into the Pacific at the Santa Monica Pier. It’s a long drive—about 5,400 miles from his home outside of St. Paul. I admire Bret’s sense of adventure. He and I grew up together in Hampton and he’s always been restless for the open road. He and his wife teach in St. Paul public schools during the school year. In the summer, Bret always makes a big trip. Imagine how these treks brighten his social studies teaching, as he’s ridden the Louis and Clark trail, seen the redwoods and grand canyon, stood on that corner in Winslow, Arizona, been to Jamestown, imagined the Boston Tea Party from the seawall of the harbor there, met with submariners at their reunion in New Orleans, seen the cranes on Nebraska’s Platte River, and much more. I would have loved having Mister Godfrey as a teacher in 7th grade. (Traveling mercies to Bret.)
- In our stroll around the city, we talked to Harris, a fireman at a big Fire Station behind a bar called Bub City. He told us the difference between an “engine” and a “truck” and shared stories about chasing fires when traffic doesn’t get out of the way. What a nice chat with a nice man on a cool, kindly night.
- This observation from a collection of sermons by Dr. Leslie Weatherhead given to you by our Don Shult: [L]et no one belittle the evangelical value of a lovely anthem well sung. I must confess that for me it is devotionally very often the high-spot of a Church service and never more so than at present.” He wrote that in 1959. It’s especially true for me post-pandemic, 2021. (When have you last thanked Joe Grant for directing our church music offerings?)
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This is a note from former church member Larry Braskamp.
Dear Matt,
I hope you received an invitation of the Memorial service of Judi Braskamp (Sunday, June 20th, Fourth Pres Chicago, preregistration required) . . . I did not mention the influence of the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign in our photo album of Judi. I did not have a picture of your church when we developed it. I do want you to know that the First Church community was very influential for our entire family. We benefitted greatly from being part of this faith community.
(Blessings to Larry and family as they grieve the physical death of Judi.)
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Observations from Bill Gamble: I have sometimes joked that the US and Australia are two countries separated by a common language, especially slang. The same applies to Canada, maybe to a lesser extent.
North of the border, “Semi,” referring to a large truck, becomes “Seme.” “Out and about” becomes “Oot and aboot”. The last letter of the alphabet is Zed rather than Zee. And “Canadian Bacon” is unknown, but rather exists as “Breakfast rashers.” And that dollar coin is a “Loonie.”
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And this wonderful note from Marilyn Hunter Shimkus:
My first husband of 52 years of marriage kept jokes, etc. for when he was asked to speak to a group. A few more out of his 4-drawer file cabinet:
- Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
- Accept that some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you’re the statue.
- Cooking lesson No. 1. Don’t fry bacon in the nude.
- Drive carefully. It’s not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.
- If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
- When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
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And here’s a note from our old friend Don Kuhlman:
I have many fond memories of First Pres that I want to share. I know Donna would agree. She passed away on Dec 19, 2017. We treasure our friends at First Pres and their love of Jesus Christ. You feel the warmth and welcome of the congregation when you enter the sanctuary. The greetings, “good to see you” by all our friends on Sunday mornings are precious. The sermons by Pastor Matt and Eric are special. The music is tremendous.
I do watch the Sunday services on my iPad and enjoyed and appreciate the sermons, music, and GIP during this pandemic. I look forward to the weekday mailers via email from Matt. They make me feel like I’m still in C-U.
I moved to Chandler, AZ on October 24, 2018 to be near our sons, Dave and Dan. I live at the Gardens At Ocotillo in Chandler, a nice retirement complex for 125 residents.
A note about Arizona. You’ll always get a warm welcome ! Temp highs will reach 117 this week. Then it really gets hot in July and August.
My warm best wishes to everyone at First Presbyterian Church of Champaign !!!!!!
* * *
I have a house inside of me
A house that people never see
It has a door through which some pass
And windows but they’re not of glass.
Sometimes I like to go inside
And hide and hide and hide
And doctor up my wounded pride
When I’ve been treated rough outside.
And sometimes when I’ve been to blame
I go inside and blush with shame
And get my mind in better frame
And get my tongue and temper sane.
I meet my Heavenly Father there
And He steps down to hear my prayer
To heal my wounds and cure my care
And make me strong to do and dare.
Then after I am made quite strong
And things are right that were all wrong
I go outside where I belong
And sing a new and happy song.
And then I hear the people say
“You’re blithe and bonny good and gay”
And it’s because I feel that way
But they don’t know the price I pay.
You have a house inside of you
Where you can go and fight your battles through
And God will tell you what to do
And make your heart so strong and true.
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There will be a Congregational Meeting this Sunday, June 20, immediately following the 9 am service to act on Eric Corbin’s request to dissolve his relationship with the church, so that he may began a pastorate in Woodstock, IL.
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Good Word:
I Corinthians 12:13
“For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.”
Let us pray (I’ve shared this one before.)
Glory to you, Prodigal Provider,
for the bumper crop of generosity
being harvested in this season.
I pray your heart gladdens with delight
as you see children’s encouraging
sidewalk art,
or an exhausted parent’s calming hug;
hear sweet music from balcony soloists
or virtual choirs;
smell donated flowers,
aromas from chef-prepared meals
donated for the poor,
or fresh baked goods left at
the front lines of care;
feel the pulsing flow from donors’
veins to blood banks,
or the touch of nurses’, doctors’,
or chaplains’ gloved hands on the brows
of the sick or dying, while still speaking
words of hope, comfort,
or blessing to those in need.
In the midst of the bombastic bedlam
of the self-serving, may I not miss
these beautiful, bounteous blessings
discretely planted, fed, and nourished
by your goodness and grace. Amen.
(Rev. Dr. David Hindman)
Matt Matthews
Cell: 864.386.9138