What’s New at First Pres?

All Church Brunch every 2nd Sunday in Centennial Hall (basement level of the sanctuary building) following the 9am worship service. All you have to bring is your appetite! Donations to off set the cost of food appreciated.
Adult Discussions resume September 15 immediately following worship (10:15-11 am) in the Parlor. Discussions are held each Sunday other than the 2nd Sunday when we encourage you to attend brunch. Coming up this fall…September 15 — Beth Wagoner; September 22 — Jim Berger; September 29 — TBA; October 6 — Vilmarie Cintron Olivieri; October 20 begins a series of discussion about the Minor Prophets led by Rev. Joe Lundy and the Spiritual Formation Committee.
Tuesday, September 17, at 4:30 pm is International Game Night as part of Welcoming America Week. The evening will be a time to relax and laugh with games for all ages. Light refreshments will be served.
Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering will be Thursday, October 3, at 11:30 am in Westminster Hall. The Rev. Cindy Shepherd from Faith in Place will be the guest speaker. A light lunch will be served. All are welcome.
Saturday, October 5, is our 11th Annual Cuba Forum beginning at 11 am with a presentation from Elder Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri and the Rev. Jose Manuel Capella-Pratts who serve with Presbyterian World Mission as Regional Liaisons for the Caribbean Region. A light lunch will be served at 11:30 am. On Sunday, October 6, Rev. Manuel will preach and Elder Vilmarie will lead the Adult Discussion following worship.