“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.”
“The rich and the poor meet together, the Lord is the maker of them all.”
We invite you to join us in growing your faith through study and fellowship.
Adult Education
Adult Education opportunities take place throughout the week and include:
- Bible studies
- Contemporary issues
- Community and world mission programs
- Book study groups
Small Group Ministry
Small groups complement the large group gatherings, classes and worship services. Each group is unique and reflects and respects the interests and life paths of its members. Small groups provide opportunities to:
- Explore questions of faith and life together
- Get acquainted and develop or deepen friendships
- Study the Bible or a topic
- Worship and pray together
- Engage in service within the church and the community
- For a complete listing of opportunities for Winter/Spring 2023, click Small Group Winter/Spring 2023.
Presbyterian Women (PW)
PW offers Bible studies, small group fellowship, and prayer opportunities in both the daytime and evening. PW provides meaningful ways to live faithfully in the midst of a caring community. The group also coordinates:
- Meals on Wheels
- Collection and distribution of cribs and layettes for mothers-in-need
- Christmas gifts for needy children
- Memorial receptions following funerals
Compassion, Peace and Justice
As the prophet Micah taught us, we are called to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. Our Compassion, Peace and Justice team strives to educate our congregation on ways we can live this calling. For example, the group focuses on the School to Prison Pipeline and on compassionate immigration reform. New members are always welcome.