Ongoing Response to COVID-19

Weekday Emailer to Members and Friends – 2020-03-23

Monday 23 March 2020
A Weekday Emailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of 
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois

Dear Friends, 
Diane Mortensen reached out to me with the story about how she got her cat—or, how her cat got her. In Diane’s words:
“Some of you may remember the devotion in These Days about a widow whose daughter told her she should get a cat to keep her company.  The woman replied, “If the Lord wanted me to have a cat, He would have provided one.” 
 At their next outdoor worship service along came a stray cat who jumped up on the woman’s lap.  She took it home and named it Lucky. 
I read that devotion in the autumn of 2018 when I was adjusting to living alone.  One day, my granddaughter called me nearly in tears because her friend who had recently adopted a cat, found he was allergic to it and planned to return it to the humane society.  She told him, “Wait, I’ll call my Grandma.”  
You can guess the rest of the story. 
I named him Mitty Kitty.  He is part Maine Coon, has four white feet, and is playful and friendly.  When you come to see him, he will greet you at my door.”
Share your pet stories with us!
SUNDAY WORSHIP. I’m very sorry our live-streaming was a bust yesterday for our 9:00 a.m. service of worship. Some families were able to gather; thank you for showing up. But systems were overwhelmed, and many of you who tried could not connect. We are working on other methods to get worship to you on Sunday. Thanks to all of you who tried tuning in. 
Remember, you can go to our church webpage where you can find archived services
The Good Word: 
John 4:7-15                         
A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” (His disciples had gone to the city to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” (Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.)[a] 10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” 11 The woman said to him, “Sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? 12 Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us the well, and with his sons and his flocks drank from it?” 13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” 15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.”
Let Us Pray:
Come to me,
O servant LORD,
pour water in your bowl,
and wash me feet.
I am bold to ask this
because of my longing
for fellowship with you.
Wash my feet, then,
and be my companion. Amen.
(based on a prayer of Origin, 185-254)
Matt Matthews
Cell: 864.386.9138


Blessings to Members and Friends

Friday 20 March 2020
Members and Friends of
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
Dear Friends, 
1—First things first: In the midst of a pandemic this week, we had a birth! Louis Lemuel Kabangu Masengu is the son of Silvie and Charles Masengu and brother of Rehoboth and Monique. Welcome Louis! Send a card to: 1600 W Bradley Ave Apt. S 342, Champaign, IL 61821
2—Second should come a poem. But I’m saving J. Barrie Shepherd’s poem for last.
3—Here’s an update from your Session, which met last night via a “Zoom” meeting. (Zoom doesn’t mean fast.) Peter Yau, our Session-appointed Corona point person, gave us an update on the Coronavirus, which, he said, is “full of tricks” and quite dangerous. He’s been advising our operations on campus.
We approved several motions:

  1. First Presbyterian Church will refrain from face-to-face worship on our campus until further notice.
  2. We will refrain from church-sponsored face-to-face meetings, both on and off-campus, until further notice.
  3. Our grounds staff will continue work under regular scheduled hours.
  4. While the office is closed, someone will answer the phone during business hours, either remotely or from the office, but no face-to-face services are offered through the office until further notice.
  5. Our communion schedule will not be interrupted. As the body of Christ, we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion via livestream during the constraints posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

4—Worship is essential for any congregation. While we can’t physically gather, we can “be together” in a Spirit-filled, powerful, and authentic way. From the comfort of your home, please join us on-line for livestreamed worship at 9:00 on Sunday morning. Come in your pajamas. Join us on our Facebook page or You can even phone in for worship. Call 312-626-6799; when prompted for a Meeting ID, enter 367 004 801, followed by the # key.  If prompted for a Participant ID, simply press the # key. 
5—Prayers requested from our neighbors at CU at Home: (a) one of our friends on the street who are extremely vulnerable during this time of COVID-19? Pray for God’s hand of protection around each of our friends without an address and our staff! (b) Please pray for a friend whose mental health struggles leave him combative and argumentative at times and a total gentlemen other times. We pray for peace for his soul and that he would follow doctor recommendations on his medication. (c) Would you also pray that we would all remember that we serve a MIGHTY God who has not given us the spirit of fear and will help us overcome all that has been thrown at us over the past few weeks?
 6—A poem to savor: “Breaking News” by J. Barrie Shepherd:
The word is that springtime arrives late this week,
yet here on the Maine coast we have little to show for it.
There are, here and there, green shoots thrusting through
the rock hard crust of four months of deep frost,
buds are forming out there at the long naked tips
of dark branches. But the awakening tingle is absent.
That familiar ray of hope and bright anticipation
that has touched over eighty such promising seasons
has been shadowed, eclipsed in this leap of a year
by a portent, a grim tocsin that resounds in the ear
like the clattering rattle, clanging bell of a leper,
the rumbling wheels of a laden plague cart–
“Bring out your dead!”

Corona, the word echoes and re-echoes
through these days. Corona, ancient Latin for a crown–
and “uneasy lies the head…” all heads that wear it.
Recalls us, if we hearken, to another jagged headpiece
pressed brutal down across the broken brow of one
who mended lepers, bore away the festerings
and plagues that cursed our mortal race and–
in this very season–wrought a healing and a cure
that may yet bring final close to every isolation,
tear down the narrow walls of quarantine,
and seat us, newly welcomed, round
a common table where fresh bread is broken,
rich new wine is generously poured.
* * *
During this surreal season of Coronavirus, focus on things besides television news.
               Pay attention to God’s activity in the world around you.
                              Be amazed.
                                              Tell somebody.
I can’t wait to worship with you again via our live-stream on Sunday.
Matt Matthews
Another message from your church:
If you communicate with someone who is not able to stream the service live, but would like to worship with us a bit later, the link to the most recent worship service is always
The Last Supper has been the subject of many visual artists. Check this out:
Do you want to take a free, Ivy-League, on-line course? Art, existentialism, engineering…
I’ve got two movie ideas for you. Both are comedies. The first is not for kids; the second is rated PG and could work with a younger audience my boys when they were little loved it;
Friday night at the movies:
Ebert’s take on the movie “Death At A Funeral”
And . . . Ebert’s take on “Osmosis Jones.” I have two words: Chris Rock.

“Osmosis Jones” is like the dark side of those animated educational films depicting the goings-on in the bowels. It takes us inside the human body for a tour of such uncharted neighborhoods as the Lower East Backside, and such useful organs as the Puke Button. These sights are depicted in colorful, gloppy, drippy animation, and then we switch to live action for the outside of the body in question, which belongs to a man named Frank (Bill Murray).
Frank follows the Ten-Second Rule, which teaches us that if food is dropped and stays on the ground less than 10 seconds, it’s still safe to eat. In the case of the hard-boiled egg in question, he might also have reflected that before the egg dropped, he had to pry it from the mouth of a monkey. The egg is crawling with germs, sending the inside of his body into emergency mode.
At the cellular level, we meet Osmosis Jones (voice by Chris Rock), a maverick cop, always being called into the chief’s office for a lecture. In the first animated microbiological version of a buddy movie, he teams up with Drix (David Hyde Pierce), a timed-release cold capsule, to fight the viral invasion, which threatens to kill Frank after Thrax (Laurence Fishburne) introduces a new and deadly infection.
The live action scenes, directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly (“There’s Something About Mary“), use Bill Murray’s seedy insouciance as a horrible object lesson in what can happen to you if you don’t think all the time about germs. His second, potentially lethal, infection comes as he visits a science fair where his daughter Shane (Elena Franklin) has an entry. Chatting with another entrant, he learns that the lad’s experiment involves the cleansing of polluted oysters; assured that the oysters are cleansed, he eats one.
The inner, animated sequences, which occupy about two-thirds of the movie, were directed by Piet Kroon and Tom Sito. Imagine the journey through the human body undertaken by Dennis Quaid in “Innerspace” (1987), as if it were drawn by Matt Groening (“Life in Hell”) on acid, and you will have an approximation. I especially liked the way various parts of the body represented neighborhoods in the City of Frank (the stomach is the airport, with regular departures to the colon; the Mafia hangs out in the armpit; lawyers can be found in a hemorrhoid).
Inside Frank City, the Mayor (William Shatner) tries to maintain the status quo in the face of campaigning by his opponent, Tom Colonic (Ron Howard), a “regular guy.” Outside, the unshaven Frank embarrasses his spic-and-span daughter with his uncouth behavior, and mortally offends the science teacher (Molly Shannon) by throwing up on her after eating the wrong oyster. (I am reminded of Dr. Johnson observing to Mr. Boswell: “Sir, he was a brave man who ate the first oyster.”) Back inside Frank, Osmosis Jones frets that he acted too quickly in pushing the Puke Button.
Who is the movie for? Despite my descriptions, it is nowhere near as gross as the usual the effort, and steers clear of adventures in the genital areas. It was originally classified PG-13, but was upgraded to PG after some trims, and is likely to entertain kids, who seem to like jokes about anatomical plumbing. For adults, there is the exuberance of the animation and the energy of the whole movie, which is just plain clever.


The Body of Christ


Middle School Parents – 2020-03-19

Hello, middle school parents.

   I hope this message finds you and your families doing well. I wanted to reach out and let you know some virtual activities we will be having for youth. I would like to set up a time to do a live virtual gathering through Zoom. Would Sunday evenings be good or some during the week be better?  I also encourage you and your youth to follow the FPCC Facebook group and @fpccyouth on Instagram as I will be posting scripture, activities, and short devotions on this page for youth. As always feel free to reach out to me by phone or email if there is anything you or your youth need or if you want to chat with someone outside of your home. I can be reached by voice or text (email if you don’t have that number) or by email at 


Lizz Pippin