Newsletter, August 2022
Posted on Jul 28, 2022 in Newsletter |
Click August 2022 to find the August Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Hard to believe it is August already…the lazy days of summer are behind us! Be sure to read about…
- 2nd Sunday Brunch August 14 at 10:10 am in Centennial Hall.
- Fun in the Sun August 14 at Centennial Park and Sholem Pool from 6-10 pm. Open to all with games, food and swimming.
- Worship services will combine in August at 9 am. Join us for a blended service with Sora Shepherd, our new church musician, and our Gathering Band led by Kelsey Stremplewski.
- Updates from our Mission Team including your chance to travel to Cuba this February with a group going from the church.
- ESL News.
- Children, Youth and Family Updates. Sunday School resumes September 11 and volunteers are needed to help lead our youth.