Newsletter, July 2022
Posted on Jun 30, 2022 in Newsletter |
Click here July 2022 to read the July Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Coming in July…
- 2nd Sunday Brunch, July 10, immediately following the 9 am service. No Contemporary Service that morning. The band will be playing at the Brunch.
- Won’t You Be My Neighbor? also starts Sunday, July 10, and continues July 17 and 24, immediately following the 9 am service. An intergenerational program for youth and adults. The program on Sunday, July 10, will be part of our brunch that morning.
- Help support DREAAM by dining at Hamilton Walker’s on July 12 from 4-8 pm. (Flyer in newsletter to take with you to give 15% back to DREAAM.)
- Join us for dinner on Wednesday, July 13, at 5:30 pm at Silver Creek in Urbana.
- Guest preacher Dr. Rebecca Blair, Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk for our presbytery will be with us Sunday, July 17.
- Sholem Fest (fun food and swimming) coming August 14.
These exciting events as well as updates from Mission and other articles are all a part of the July newsletter so be sure to read!