Newsletter, September 2024

Click September 2024 for the September Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, IL.  In this issue we feature…

  • Second Sunday brunch September 8 immediately following worship;
  • Welcome to our new Director of Music Dr. Matthew Shepard;
  • Adult Discussion (aka Adult Education) returns Sunday, September 15, after worship;
  • Game Night Tuesday, September 17, 4:30 pm;
  • An update from Building & Grounds on the many major projects that will begin in the next few weeks;
  • Presbyterian Women start their year on September 26;
  • Volunteer opportunities at Salt & Light.
And coming in October…
  • Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering, Thursday, October 3, at 11:30 am featuring the Rev. Cindy Shepherd from Faith in Place;
  • Our 11th Annual Cuba Forum starting with a presentation and light lunch on Saturday, October 5, at 11 am and a message by Rev. Jose Manuel on Sunday, October 6.  The Adult Discussion that morning will feature Elder Vilmarie.  Both serve with Presbyterian World Mission as Regional Liaisons for the Caribbean Region.
