“Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song.”
Psalm 149:1

“Fear the Lord; serve Him in truth with all your heart, and consider what great things He has done for you.”
1 Samuel 12:24

Member involvement is key to the vitality of the church as well as personal spiritual growth. Take a look at just a few of the ways we serve within the church:
Serve on Sundays:
- Chancel Choir member
- Bell Choir member
- Praise Band member
- Worship service liturgists
- Ushers and greeters
- Sunday School teachers
- Hospitality committee members
- Sunday morning van drivers
- Tech Team member
- Setup help for The Gathering
Serve in Education
- Adult education group discussion leaders
- Vacation Bible School teacher or helper
- Sunday School teachers
- ELL instructors
Share your Faith
- Amateur Preachers
- Hospital and homebound visitors
- Prayer Team member
- Stephen Ministry
- Christ Care Ministry
Share your Skills
- Endowment and Finance Committee member
- Building and Grounds member
- Help cook meals
- Many other opportunities
Be a Leader
- Deacons and Elders (elected by the members for three-year terms)
To serve, send us an email with your interests, info@firstpres.church.