
The Heart of Mission
May 18, 2021
Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021
Pentecost Offering – Last week, The Heart of Mission had a wonderful piece on DREAAM and Tracy Dace, their director. I apologize that I did not acknowledge that the source of the article was the Pentecost bulletin insert from the PC(USA). I have a whole box of these bulletin inserts in my office! Since we do not have bulletins right now, I thought you would want to see it. We are so excited that DREAAM has been supported by our denomination in this way. And, we at First Presbyterian continue to support DREAAM by using the 40% of the Pentecost Offering right here at home to support the boys as well as the girls of DREAAM, 20% and 20%. Yes, there are girls who are connected to DREAAM through the boys’ families. Our Community Mission Deacons sponsored a 6 week leadership course for girls that ended in early May and we hope to do that again. We will take up the Pentecost Offering on May 23 as part of our worship service. Don’t forget to wear red symbolizing the fire of God’s Spirit that descended upon the early church on the day of Pentecost!
Our Mission Co-workers from South Sudan, Bob and Kristi Rice, spoke Wednesday night, May 12, at our regular zoom gathering. They sent a follow up email to Eric Corbin that those who were present may be interested in. It is followed by the document on workshops that they included.
Thank you for facilitating the gathering Wednesday evening! We were grateful and encouraged to be with you, and grateful for the interest and engagement in Africa and South Sudan among the congregation.
I mentioned a webinar happening next week that describes more about the reconciliation workshop and the efforts to hold some workshops here in the U.S. Below is some introduction and the link to share with those who were present on Wednesday evening.
As I mentioned, there is a small team of people who have been involved in reconciliation ministry in different countries using the approach of Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations. They are coming together to explore organizing workshops in several cities in the U.S., coordinated or led by Resonate Global Mission, which is connected to the Christian Reformed Church of North America. For the past several months, they have held a series of webinars to introduce the workshops and share stories of healing, as well as to gauge interest and connect people who might be interested.
I’ve attached a document that describes the webinars. The final one will happen on May 26, where they will look at some of the Scriptural basis for the workshop and also hear from some Americans who have gone through the training in Rwanda (including at least one Presbyterian). If you are interested, you can register for that webinar here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZvxoAZpSv_jsnxib7_1hwzX_WPfMDgf8fgIunfvuAYc-7RQ/viewform
And if anyone wants to go deeper or learn more, you can view recordings of the past webinars. I did not create this document, but I have copied links to the recordings of past webinars into the document that is attached. The recordings only include the presenter sharing (not discussion), so they are less than 1 hour long. We particularly recommend the one where Szabina shares her journey of healing as a Roma woman, and also George sharing his journey of healing and repentance as a White American male.
This ministry has always been focused on people at the grass-roots level, and tried to equip and free others to do this ministry, rather than focusing on one organization ‘owning’ or driving the process. I want to say that because you will see that this is a collaboration of individuals who have seen God work in significant ways, but it is not a flashy or high-budget production. This reminds us that healing takes time and often happens in stages – there is no silver bullet. And in all places where there are wounds and tensions, we need a variety of approaches, including justice and changes in policy, to accompany the journey of healing and reconciliation.
We pray that God guides all of us to be agents of healing in the midst of brokenness.
In Christ,
Kristi and Bob
An Introduction to Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations
Today many Christians are asking about the role of the church in healing, forgiveness and reconciliation. “Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations” provides us the opportunity to learn from the rich experience of Christians in Africa. This inter-ethnic healing and reconciliation process was developed in 1994 shortly after the genocide in Rwanda. From there it spread to Burundi, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and elsewhere in Africa. It has also been taken up in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and in many nations of the former Soviet Union. This ministry is endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance, Micah Global, Wycliffe Bible Translators, MAF, IFES and many others.
Resonate Global Mission wants to take advantage of this time of pandemic restrictions to introduce a broader audience to Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations. We are scheduling bi-monthly webinars starting this fall. We hope that these webinars will also serve as preview for in-person workshops we hope to schedule in various locations in North America in the fall of 2021.
- September 30, 11:30 – 12:45 ET – Dr. Rhiannon Lloyd
Dr Rhiannon Lloyd is a former doctor of medicine and psychiatry. She first committed her life to Christ as a 16- year- old in 1963. Since 1985, beginning with a time of training with Youth with a Mission, she has been in full-time Christian work, ministering extensively in cross cultural situations. Before the Rwandan genocide in 1994, she specialized in teaching courses for Christian workers and ministering to people with deep emotional wounds. Dr. Lloyd is Welsh and her ministry is called “Healing the Nations” (www.healingthenations.co.uk)
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmpfvUpbo7rV9Rl9MB-M1wVgE3Icn7ln/view
- November 25, 11:30 – 12:45 ET – Rev. Dr. Joseph Nyamutera
Rev. Dr. Nyamutera is a pastor in the Pentecostal Church in Rwanda who lived through the genocide. He is the director Rabagirana Ministries in Kigali. He has extensive experience in “Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations” both in Rwanda as well as other countries of Africa and beyond.
Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cUEOsJi5XyXsxoy5VIadpR8Eeb41yHJF
- January 27, 11:30 – 12:45 ET – Szabina Sztojk
Ms. Sztojk is a Roma leader and Reformed seminary student from Hungary.
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCIxMCFrqil5hky9SD-TqOCKOo1Vqbsp/view?ts=607f7cf9
- March 31, 11:30 – 12:45 ET – Rev George DeVuyst
Rev. DeVuyst is a missionary with Resonate Global Mission in Ukraine. He first because interested in the missionary as a result of the Russo-Ukranian conflict. He is one of the leaders on the “Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations” team.
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_E30oxkZMhn67YpfOAvQm7aXzdJA_hPz/view
May 26, 11:30- 12:45 ET- In this webinar the international team will take us behind the curtains to talk about the Scriptural and theoretic basis for “Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations”. At that point we also hope to be able to share more specific information with you about the in person events we hope to host in the first half of 2022.
To register go to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZvxoAZpSv_jsnxib7_1hwzX_WPfMDgf8fgIunfvuAYc-7RQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Your registration will cover all five webinars, but you may choose which ones you will actually attend. We will send you a zoom link a few days before each webinar.

The Education as the Pathway to Peace small group gathered on the 16th and learned to make Pakistani Alu Mattar & Keema Samosas with apricot sauce! Yum! The group is gathering again on May 23 and 30 at 3pm in Westminster Fellowship Hall to view the Friends of PEB/Bunyaad Rug Cooking Benefit classes. Donations will go to benefit PEB in Pakistan scholarships. Anyone is welcome to come, but you must contact Sallie if you wish to join in person with us. (We are social distancing and using safety protocols.)
CU at Home – In Sunday’s News Gazette there was an article about CU at Home’s recent decision to pause the shelter until mid-June due to shortage of staff and safety concerns. This will allow them to train, regroup, hire and restart strong. You can read the entire article at this link: https://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/social-services/c-u-later-agency-serving-homeless-taking-time-to-regroup/article_175835ba-ff67-5ab8-bec1-13466839e223.html
Lifeline Pilots

Opportunity International sent an urgent message to our World Mission Committee recently regarding the decimation of India from Covid 19. In response to the massive crisis crushing millions in India, Opportunity and their partners are immediately pivoting their trusted local microfinance presence to provide last-mile health delivery and emergency relief to those being hit the hardest. The first phase response will work through our current partner offices and staff with an established current outreach of 4 M clients and their families. The World Mission Committee responded by allocating $1000 for this effort.
Rev. Dr. Rachel Matthews, Mission Coordinator
We want to keep our mission partners in our prayers, those who are waiting to go back to their place of ministry and those who are able to work where they are. Listen for God’s call to you in their ministry.
Our PC(USA) Mission CoWorkers:
Mark Adams and Miriam Maidonado Escobar (Mexico)
Farsijanna Adeney-Risakotta (Indonesia)
Jeff and Christi Boyd (Central Africa)
Bob and Kristi Rice (South Sudan)
Our regional and global mission partners:
Kemmerer Village (and Camp Carew)
Lifeline Pilots
Marion Medical Mission
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Opportunity International
Friends of Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan Presbyterian Cuba Partnership
Special Offerings of the PC(USA)
Theological Education Fund
Young Adult Volunteers
Here in Champaign – Urbana:
CU at Home
Here at First Presbyterian Church
FPCC Amateur Preachers
FPCC Environmental Committee working with Faith in Place
FPCC Presbyterian Women
FPCC Children, Youth and Families
FPCC Mission Possible/Go and Serve
FPCC Mission Team, World Mission and Community Mission Deacons

302 W. Church Street
Champaign, IL 61820