Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2021-05-21
Friday May 21, 2021
To Members and Friends of
First Presbyterian Church, Champaign
Dear Friends,
We still grieve the shooting Wednesday morning leaving two dead, including Champaign Police Officer Christopher Oberheim and Darion Marquise Lafayette, one police officer wounded, and our whole community scared, scarred, and aching. We pray for all involved, all grieving families, and the Champaign Police family. Lord, have mercy.
In my sermon on Sunday, I address the letter that appears in your May newsletter from our local United Way charting violence, poverty, and education deficits in our community. One elder in last night’s Session meeting who grew up in Champaign said there has never been this much shoot ever in our community.
First Pres remains a place for all to gather, to pray, to laugh and learn, and to build and rebuild a community of love. How is God using you and your church to be Christ’s hands and feet in our community?
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The Session’s Covid-19 Response Team has met and the Session has approved the following steps as we move out of pandemic. The Team will meet again (on June 8th) prior to the end of the governor’s bridge program. The goal of the Covid-19 Team has always been to keep our flock safe in the midst of a deadly pandemic for which we now have a vaccine, but no cure.
- The Covid-19 Response Team of the Session of First Presbyterian Church encourages everyone who can get vaccinated to do so.
- Based upon the CDC guidelines, vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks. There is roughly a five-percent likelihood that a vaccinated person can get or spread Covid-19. Therefore, the Covid-19 Response Team recommends that out of abundant concern for others, particularly the unvaccinated, such as children and the medically compromised, that we continue to wear masks in indoor worship at this time.
- Increased capacity of sanctuary to 240 people (60-percent of capacity). No physical distancing required. No congregational singing at this time. No coffee, tea, or snacks after worship at this time.
- Physical distancing is no longer required indoors.
- Masks not required for outdoor events.
- Vaccinated members of our choir may sing together, spaced and masked, for one hour. Currently, we recommend that the choir not sing in worship.
- We recommend that DREAAM needs to follow all Champaign Unit-4 rules.
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Note that Sunday worship in the sanctuary is open to 60-percent capacity, which we count as 240 people. Reservations are no longer required. The wearing of masks in support of the unvaccinated (children, etc) is still required. The Covid Team will meet in 17-days to reassess.
This is been a long road. If you think our Covid Team is moving slowly, we are. Intentionally. We’d rather be abundantly safe than sorry.
Thank you for your patience.
Let everything that breathes, praise the Lord.
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See you Sunday in Worship at 9:00 on-line, or at 10:15 in-person. Sunday looks to be a great day to join us for a Sunday in the Park at West Side Park at 11 am following the 10:15 am in-person worship.
Matt Matthews
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We need God’s vision.
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From your Nurture Team — Naomi Rempe was the first correct guesser again this week! She correctly identified last week’s photo of Mary Gritten.
Here’s this week’s photo.
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Please join in the fun! We are running VERY LOW on photos, so we would like you to select a photo from your younger years (grade school, high school or early adulthood). Photos need not be professional. Candid shots are welcome. Please send your photos to