Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2021-06-02
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021
A weekday e-mailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
Don’t let worry kill you off—let the Church help.
That’s a famous blooper that’s been passed around in church newsletters for decades. The message means that when you are feeling stressed, lean on your friends at the church. Call on your pastors. Let us help you get through the rough patch. What the message actually says is that the church often adds to your worry, and worry on the human body ends badly.
I look around at the many people in our church who work so hard on so many things. Sometimes the work is thankless and stressful. I know plenty of you sometimes worry about the projects and ministries for which you care. As the church wakes up from pandemic, more and more of us will be doing more and more. Thank you, in advance. Call on your friends at church when you need a breather, when you need a brother or sister, when you need a break.
Today please join me in praying for our unsung heroes. I’m not talking about our paid staff. (They’re heroes, too, of course.) I’m talking about our volunteers. For all of YOU who do something compassionately, thoughtfully, joyfully for our church—THANK YOU. Even if others don’t notice what you contribute, God notices.
This leads me to another famous blooper. Your staff are paid to do good. Volunteers are good for nothing.
Bless and thank you ALL.
Thanks be to God.
Matt Matthews
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