Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2021-06-04
Friday June 4th 2021
A weekday e-mailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
How far back can you trace your family? When you think of “family,” what comes to mind? How do you define the word? Does your face look more like your mom’s or your dad’s? What part of your face looks most like God?
Join us on Sunday as we tackle “family.”
(And some of you might have a bad idea of family. You might have been hurt or neglected by your family. You might think you don’t have a family. Come on Sunday for some good news.)
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See you in worship on Sunday.
9:00 on-line FirstPres.Live
10:15 in-person, no reservations required. Wear your mask.
Matt Matthews
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I’ve asked John McCutcheon to perform a concert at First Pres on Sunday, February 20th. He’s a master musician: hammered dulcimer, guitar, fiddle, banjo, and a fantastic storyteller, and singer-songwriter. Check out some of his tunes (and mark your calendar):
Christmas in the trenches (a true story):
Twelves strings, steel rails, and hobos
A tribute to Pete Seeger/a sing-a-long
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From your Nurture Team — There were no correct guessers of last week’s photo of Katharine Jones.
Here’s this week’s photo.
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Please join in the fun! We are running VERY LOW on photos, so we would like you to select a photo from your younger years (grade school, high school or early adulthood). Photos need not be professional. Candid shots are welcome. Please send your photos to