Newsletter, August 2024

Click August 2024 for the August Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, IL.  In this issue we feature…

  • Elementary Sunday School Pool Party August 11 from 4-6 pm at the home of the Ledfords.  RSVP to
  • Missionaries Jeff and Christie Boyd from the Congo will be our guests August 11-12.  We will host an Open House/Dialogue with the Boyds on Monday, August 12, at 1 pm in the Parlor.
  • All Church Picnic will be held Sunday, August 18, at 4 pm at Hessel Park.  Bring your favorite picnic food or dessert.  RSVP to church office or email so we know number of sandwiches to order.
  • Join Pastor Beth for coffee on Thursdays, August 21 and 28, from 10 am to noon at Espresso Royal in Village Green Plaza in Champaign.
  • Mark your calendars for Family Game Night on Tuesday, September 17, from 4:30-6 pm in Centennial Hall.  This is a part of Welcoming America Week.
