Newsletter, January 2023

Click January 2023 2 to receive News from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign….

  • Pastor Matt gives a brief outline of upcoming events in his article.  Mark your calendars and watch for more information on each.
  • Why not consider sharing your enthusiasm for music and join our choir or bell choir this year?  Joe Grant tells you how.
  • Pastor Matt will be on Sabbatical January 23 to February 20, 2023.  The Revs. Connie Bandy and Jean Oliver-Holder will be filling in while he is gone.
  • C-U at Home’s One Winter Night February 3 along with a celebratory concert on February 4.
  • Mission updates include communications from Cuba, Mission Co-Worker Mark Adams and DREAAM.
  • ELL (English Language Learners ) news.

