Weekday Email to Members and Friends – 2021-04-26

Monday April 26th 2021
A Weekday Emailer from
Matt Matthews
To Members and Friends of 
First Presbyterian Church
Champaign, Illinois
Dear Friends,
I am looking forward to our Cuba Celebration on (1) Wednesday night, (2) Saturday morning, (3) Sunday worship, and (4) Sunday afternoon Two-Step. Zoom links below.
Our partnership with our sister church, the Luyano Presbyterian Church in Havana, is revitalizing. Here’s a short essay from our travel journal from our winter trip in 2019.
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The Road to Matanzas
            I. Most of the buildings look abandoned. In the States, buildings as neglected and decrepit as these are ready for the wrecking ball. Paint is peeled and faded and curled by the wind and sun. Gated compounds are overgrown.
            A shining exception was a fire station we passed on the highway to Matanzas. The tile shone clean in the morning sun. The opened garage doors revealed polished trucks and gleaming floors. The surrounding yard was landscaped with yucca and flowering bushes. 
            Spit shine must be in the DNA of all firefighters.
            II. A refinery on the coast mars a gorgeous view. Oily, black smoke belches from a tall smoke stack. A low band of black smoke hugs the coast—a cruel gash severing the turquoise ocean and the cerulean sky. Even on the open highway along this lovely coast, the sunny air steaming into our open windows is heavy with the fumes of diesel exhaust. 
            After the oil refinery, we could smell flowers—a momentary but sweet aroma that transported me to honey suckled memories of summers growing up in tidewater Virginia. 
Yaimi’s Sunday School Class
            Our travel team’s dining room off the sanctuary was transformed into Yaimi’s class of 13 chattering children. Yaimi taught them in rapid-fire Spanish. Her words tumbled on top of one another. I could understand few of them: nombre, mira, ahora, familia, tambien. I could make out few others. She said entonces a lot. Entonces this, entonces that. 
            Our quiet dining room echoed with the children’s voices. At junctures in Yaimi’s stream of words, hands would shoot up. These grade school children were eager to be called upon and they seemed articulate and able to hold their own with their teacher. They were polite but not shy. Yaimi sat at the end of the table like a general at an important briefing, leaving no doubt who was in charge.           
            Late comers tricked into class to a hail of salutations that got Yaimi off track only momentarily. Kids vied for the attention that she doled out attentively with smiles, but only briefly. Her teaching seemed to be comprised mainly of questions.
            I think the discussion—all in Spanish, of course—became focused on the beatitudes. Possibly Mateo Cinco. The children dutifully opened their Bibles. She returned to questioning them. From time to time, she’d ask something that forced their hands up, up, up. They were dying for her to call them. Their eyes pleaded. The selected one would read the prescribed verses. I recognized some of the words, but as I read “pure in heart” in English in my Mateo cinco, I worried they might be in Marco. I hoped I was following along. 
            Blessed are those who can’t speak the language for one day they will get the hang of it. 
            Yaimi stood and ended class with a little speech that began with the words “practicar compassion.” The kids had grown restless and seemed ready to practicar salsa.
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Cuba Celebration weekend this Saturday and Sunday May 1st and 2nd. Join us for our Cuba Forum on Saturday, May 1, at 10 am.  In the meanwhile watch firstpres.church/cubakeynote about Cuba and Cuba-US Relations 2015-2021. Then zoom in Saturday with your questions for Professor Jacobsen. You can link into the Forum on May 1 at 10 am at 

On Sunday, worship will have a Cuba theme with special prayers for our partner church in Havana, the Luyano Presbyterian Church. Later Sunday afternoon, we’re having a Cuba Two-Step salsa lesson.

Shared Worship  Sunday, May 2         9 AM at FirstPres.live. 
Cuba Two-Step   Sunday, May 2         1 PM at firstpres.church/cubatwostep

For more information, contact the Church Office at 217-356-7238 or zoom@firstpres.church.  The links for the Cuba Forum, Shared Worship and Cuba Two-Step will all be live on their designated dates and times.
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Guess who these came from:
Sometimes I talk to myself. Then we laugh and laugh.

When this virus is over, I still want some of you to stay away from me.

If you think I am short, you should see my patience.
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Good Word:
Luke 21:25-31                        
[Jesus said] “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Then he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 
Let us pray
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord’s face shine on you with grace and mercy.
The Lord look upon you with favor and ☩ give you peace. Amen.
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Much love to you all.

Matt Matthews
Cell: 864.386.9138
