Newsletter, March 2024
Click March 2024 to find the March Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.
- Second Sunday brunch this Sunday, March 10!
- Easter is early this year. We invite you to join us whether in-person or online for our Holy Week/Easter Sunday services.
- You can volunteer to help with this year’s Illinois Marathon either through the church or with DREAAM. Details included in this issue.
- The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is the single largest way that Presbyterians join together to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need and around the world. The offering will be received on Palm Sunday and Easter morning.
- The winning recipes from this year’s Chili and Dessert Cook-off are included in this issue.
Enjoy this issue and the warmer weather as Spring gets near!
Newsletter, February 2024
Click the February 2024 for the latest news from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign…
- The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held Sunday, February 11, immediately following worship. Brunch will follow the meeting.
- February means the beginning of Lent. An Ash Wednesday Service will be held Wednesday, February 14, at 4 pm in Westminster Hall.
- A Chili Cook-Off is planned for Sunday, February 25, at 3 pm in Centennial Hall. Entry forms can be found online.
- The 2024 Small Group brochure is now available. Sign up for a small group this Spring!
Newsletter, January 2024
A happy and healthy new year to you all. Click January 2024 to find news and happenings from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. In this new year we bring you news on…
- Second Sunday brunch continues every 2nd Sunday;
- We are hoping to get your input on our newly formed Children, Youth and Family Committee along with Outreach;
- Plans are coming together for a weekly Bible Club with DREAAM and we are looking for volunteers;
- Thank you for your generosity for the Angel Tree/Advent offering!
Let’s get 2024 off to a great start!
Newsletter, December 2023
Click December 2023 to find the December newsletter from First Presbyterian Church in Champaign, Illinois. It is an issue filled with Christmas events and memories…a very special time of year.
Dates to Save in December
Sunday, December 3
3 pm Group attending Carol Concert at Krannert
Thursday, December 7
12 noon Christmas Gathering hosted by Presbyterian Women
Sunday, December 10
9 am Christmas Music Sunday with Chancel Choir and Upper Room
10 am Christmas Charcuterie Brunch immediately following worship
3 pm Blue Christmas Service
Sunday, December 17
3 pm Caroling to the Community (gather at church at 2:30)
Sunday, December 24
9 am Worship
4 pm Family Christmas Eve Service
8 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
More information on these events in this issue.
Please be reminded of the ongoing Angel Tree/Advent Offering which benefits The Refugee Center.
The Christmas Joy Offering which supports current and retired church workers and their families n their time of need, and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color will be taken December 24 and 31.
Newsletter, November 2023
Click November 2023 to find the November newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. We have some upcoming very special events so mark your calendars…
- Saturday, November 4, Adopt A Highway;
- Sunday, November 5 All Saints Day…We will recognize those who have died this past year. Any saints who are not members of the church which should be celebrated can be added to the list by contacting the church office. Remember November 5 is also the end of Daylight Savings Time…fall back one hour!
- Monday, November 6 7:30 pm Western Illinois University Choir Concert along with Choir from Uni High directed by Rick Murphy;
- Sunday, November 12 2nd Sunday Brunch following 9 am service and 3:30 pm Concert by Gary Winder, clarinet;
- Tuesday, November 14 11:30 am You are invited to join our English Language Leaners for Thanksgiving Dinner. Bring a Thanksgiving dish to share.
- Sunday, December 3 3 pm Blue Christmas, an Advent service for those experiencing grief.
- Sunday, December 10 9 am Christmas Music Sunday with choir and instrumentalists;
- Sunday, December 17 Christmas Caroling … Watch for further details;
- Sunday, December 24 9 am Worship, 4 pm Family Christmas Eve Service, 8 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve Service;
- The Angel Tree/Advent Offering will be combined this year. Check this November issue for items requested.
It’s a busy time of year. We have something to offer for everyone so mark your calendars!!! Contact church office with questions or for more information.
Newsletter, October 2023
Click October 2023 for the October news from First Pres in Champaign. It’s Fall and we have some special events coming up. In this issue find out more information on…
- Sunday, October 1 World Communion Sunday;
- Sunday, October 1 Churchwide Potluck Picnic 4 pm Hessel Park Pavilion;
- Thursday, October 5 Fall Gathering 12 noon hosted by Presbyterian Women;
- Sunday, October 8 2nd Sunday Brunch immediately after worship;
- Sunday, October 29 Trunk or Treat 4 pm
- Update from Mission including visit by Bob & Kristi Rice on Sunday, October 1;
- Sunday School for youth resumes THIS Sunday, October 1;
- Adult Ed this Sunday, October 1, will feature Bob & Kristi Rice.
Mark your calendars to join us this fall for all of our special events!
Newsletter, September 2023
Click September 2023 and you will find the September Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. We are excited about…
- the arrival of Associate Pastor for Discipleship Joe Lundy;
- Celebrating Welcoming Week September 8-17 with New Immigrant Sunday followed by an International Brunch on Sunday, September 10; Game Night on Monday, September 11; Cuba Sunday and Special Coffee Hour Sunday, September 17.
- Your chance to attend a Cubs game with a group from the church on September 23;
- Mission co-workers Bob & Kristi Rice will visit October 1 in time for the Church Picnic that afternoon at Hessel Park Pavilion.
Catch up on all the upcoming events in the September issue as we jump into fall.
Newsletter, August 2023
It’s August! Click here for the August Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign which includes information on…
- Adult Education Sunday, August 6, will feature the Rev. Cindy Shepherd speaking on The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which aims to reduce medication costs and invest in renewable energy.
- 2nd Sunday Brunch, August 13, immediately following the 9 am Worship.
- Congregational Meeting Sunday, August 20, following Worship to hear a report from our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee.
- Consider joining the Chancel Choir this Fall! Rehearsals held weekly on Thursday evenings.
- World-Wide Game Night September 11 from 6:30-8 PM.
You will find that and more in this August issue.
Newsletter, July 2023
Click July 2023 for the July Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. This month’s edition includes…
- 2nd Sunday Brunch, July 9, 10:10 am;
- We welcome Bonnie Ward as our new director of English Language Learners;
- On July 16, we will celebrate with DREAAM their 8 years of change-making and hope-generating work. Join us at 9 AM worship that morning!
- Nine from our congregation visited Kemmerer Village on June 7. They enjoyed a morning of entertainment provided by Jean Rene Balekita.
- Help DREAAM reach their goal of blessing 500 children with new shoes to kick off the school year. We are collecting donations at the church through August 5.
- This year’s Raindrop Offering taken at the end of July will help Salt & Light replace antiquated coolers. Stop by Westminster Hall July 9-23 to purchase a frozen raindrop; yes…an ice cube!
Enjoy your summer!
Newsletter, June 2023
Click June 2023 for the June Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.
- On Sunday, June 11, we will be entertained by Jean Rene Balekita and friends during our fellowship/light brunch immediately following the 9 am service.
- Our Sign Language Classes begin for four weeks on Thursday June 8 from 11-12 noon either in-person or on zoom. Call church office 217.356.7238 if interested.
- Rachel and Matt Matthews will lead a Covenant Bible Study for five Wednesday evenings (5:30-7:30) beginning July 19. Contact the church office to sign up.
Lots to read about in this June issue. Happy summer!