Newsletter, April 2023
Click April 2023 for the April Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. This edition includes information on…
- services throughout Holy Week including a soup supper on Maundy Thursday at 6 pm and a joint worship with First Methodist Church on Good Friday at 7 pm in our Sanctuary;
- the upcoming concert by David LaMotte on Sunday, April 16, at 3 pm in our Sanctuary;
- Know anyone graduating? We would like to honor our graduates later this Spring;
- the One Great Hour of Sharing offering which will be taken Palm Sunday and Easter;
- items being collected to take to Cuba in April;
- Celebration of Earth Day on Sunday, April 23. Cindy Shepherd will preach.
- Music Sunday is May 7!
We are “showered” with events throughout April. Be sure not to miss what is happening at your church this Spring!
Newsletter, March 2023
Click March 2023 for the March Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Coming up includes…
- Celebration of our relationship with the Presbyterian Church in Luyano, Cuba on Sunday, March 12. Join us that morning for a special service followed by brunch Cuban style. More information in this issue.
- We are in the midst of Lent. Maundy Thursday, April 6, will be a communion service and soup supper at 6 pm. On Good Friday we will host our neighbors the Methodist at a service in our Sanctuary at 7 pm. Easter worship is at 9 am on April 9.
- During Lent, we will have a discussion series on Adam Hamilton’s “The Walk, Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life” Sunday mornings at 10:15. (We will skip March 12 and go to brunch that morning.)
- Donate towards the Spring flowers that will decorate the Sanctuary on Easter.
- David LaMotte will join us Sunday, April 16, at 3 pm for a free concert followed by a reception. Mark your calendars now!
- As you Spring clean, keep in mind our collection June 3 to support Habitat and Salt & Light. Read more about what we can accept on their behalf in this issue.
Newsletter, February 2023
Click February 2023 to find the February news from First Presbyterian Church in Champaign.
- This Sunday, January 29, hear from electric car owners Cindy Shepherd and Brandi & Jason Lowe on the pros and cons of owning an EV as part of our Adult Ed class immediately following the 9 am service.
- Join us for our 2nd Sunday Brunch on February 12.
- Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 22. We will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7 pm that evening. Lenten Devotionals will be available that first Sunday of Lent.
- The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be Sunday, February 26.
- Get to know our Sabbatical Pastors Connie Bandy and Jean Oliver-Holder who are filling in while Pastor Matt is on Sabbatical.
- The Winter/Spring Small Group brochure is now available online or in the kiosks at church.
- Save the date for David Lamotte in Concert on Sunday, April 16, at 3 pm.
Newsletter, January 2023
Click January 2023 2 to receive News from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign….
- Pastor Matt gives a brief outline of upcoming events in his article. Mark your calendars and watch for more information on each.
- Why not consider sharing your enthusiasm for music and join our choir or bell choir this year? Joe Grant tells you how.
- Pastor Matt will be on Sabbatical January 23 to February 20, 2023. The Revs. Connie Bandy and Jean Oliver-Holder will be filling in while he is gone.
- C-U at Home’s One Winter Night February 3 along with a celebratory concert on February 4.
- Mission updates include communications from Cuba, Mission Co-Worker Mark Adams and DREAAM.
- ELL (English Language Learners ) news.
Newsletter, November 2022
Click November 2022 for the November newsletter for the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Be sure to read about…
- This Sunday, October 30, we will remember church members who have died this past year.
- Dr. Don Wuebbles, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at the U of I, is our guest speaker this Sunday, October 30, at the 10:15 am Faith in the Real World series;
- Trunk or Treat this Sunday, October 30, from 5-6 pm in the church parking lot.
- Welcomed & Affirmed Zoom series to be held in November. Join us online for a safe Christian space to better understand how to communicate sensitively and to welcome and affirm all people.
- Join us for our next Second Sunday Brunch on November 14.
- “Surviving the Holidays” offered throughout the coming holiday season will help those who have lost a loved one.
- Mission updates include a list of items that our Cuba delegation would like to take to our sister church in Luyano in November; Environmental Team updates; and news from our ELL (English Language Learners) class;
- The Angel Tree is back this year. Gifts for Kemmerer Village are needed by December 11, 2022.
Newsletter, October 2022
Click October 2022 to find news from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Fall is exciting around the church…
- Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering Saturday, October 1, 11 am.
- “A Celebration Through Song” honoring Hispanic Heritage Month Saturday, October 1, 5 pm.
- Sunday School for our youth begins Sunday, October 2, at 10 am.
- World Communion/Cuba Sunday this Sunday, October 2. Special refreshments served after 9 am service.
- Second Sunday Brunch October 9!
- Quilt Display Sunday, October 23.
- Trunk or Treat October 30, 5-6 pm. Volunteers needed to provide trunks, candy and help with games.
Get further details on all these events as well as Mission News and Finance updates in this October issue.
Newsletter, September 2022
Click September 2022 to find the September Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Highlights in this issue include…
- Our next Second Sunday Brunch is Sunday, September 11, immediately following the 9 am service;
- “Rooted Together” Watch Party from the Green Team Summit 2022 featuring Katharine Hayhoe, noted Climate Scientist. Join us in the chapel on September 11 at 4:45 pm.
- Fall updates from Choir; Small Groups; Children, Youth and Family; and Presbyterian Women.
- Mission News includes information on the upcoming Cuba Forum; a winter trip to Cuba; International Taste of First Pres coming September 18 at 4 pm; English Language Learners news; and an upcoming fundraiser for Restoration Urban Ministries.
It’s fall…join us as we fall back into routines and begin new and exciting programs in the life of the church.
Newsletter, August 2022
Click August 2022 to find the August Newsletter from First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Hard to believe it is August already…the lazy days of summer are behind us! Be sure to read about…
- 2nd Sunday Brunch August 14 at 10:10 am in Centennial Hall.
- Fun in the Sun August 14 at Centennial Park and Sholem Pool from 6-10 pm. Open to all with games, food and swimming.
- Worship services will combine in August at 9 am. Join us for a blended service with Sora Shepherd, our new church musician, and our Gathering Band led by Kelsey Stremplewski.
- Updates from our Mission Team including your chance to travel to Cuba this February with a group going from the church.
- ESL News.
- Children, Youth and Family Updates. Sunday School resumes September 11 and volunteers are needed to help lead our youth.
Newsletter, July 2022
Click here July 2022 to read the July Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign. Coming in July…
- 2nd Sunday Brunch, July 10, immediately following the 9 am service. No Contemporary Service that morning. The band will be playing at the Brunch.
- Won’t You Be My Neighbor? also starts Sunday, July 10, and continues July 17 and 24, immediately following the 9 am service. An intergenerational program for youth and adults. The program on Sunday, July 10, will be part of our brunch that morning.
- Help support DREAAM by dining at Hamilton Walker’s on July 12 from 4-8 pm. (Flyer in newsletter to take with you to give 15% back to DREAAM.)
- Join us for dinner on Wednesday, July 13, at 5:30 pm at Silver Creek in Urbana.
- Guest preacher Dr. Rebecca Blair, Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk for our presbytery will be with us Sunday, July 17.
- Sholem Fest (fun food and swimming) coming August 14.
These exciting events as well as updates from Mission and other articles are all a part of the July newsletter so be sure to read!
Newsletter, June 2022
Click here to find the June News and Updates from First Presbyterian Church in Champaign. In this issue, you will find…
- This year’s Pentecost Offering will help support DREAAM. You can also read updates from DREAAM on their summer plans.
- 2nd Sunday Brunches, utilizing our new kitchen, begin June 12th after the 9 am service.
- Snippets from Your Pastor “Love In Action” on how to put love into gear in light of the recent shootings in our country.
- Food, Fun & Faith Lunch on Wednesday, June 1, at 11:30 in Centennial Hall; and Soul Food dinner on Wednesday, June 8, at 5:30 pm at the home of Sallie Hutton;
- Presbyterian Women’s Spring Gathering Thursday, June 2, 12 noon;
- Mission updates from The Refugee Center; Environmental news; Compassion, Peace & Justice forums in June “I Was In Prison…”; English as Second Language and more;
- CYF news includes Montreat Youth Conference in June; Farewell and good luck to Samantha Nichols, Sunday School Coordinator; honoring our graduates.