
Newsletter, September 2024

Click September 2024 for the September Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, IL.  In this issue we feature…

  • Second Sunday brunch September 8 immediately following worship;
  • Welcome to our new Director of Music Dr. Matthew Shepard;
  • Adult Discussion (aka Adult Education) returns Sunday, September 15, after worship;
  • Game Night Tuesday, September 17, 4:30 pm;
  • An update from Building & Grounds on the many major projects that will begin in the next few weeks;
  • Presbyterian Women start their year on September 26;
  • Volunteer opportunities at Salt & Light.
And coming in October…
  • Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering, Thursday, October 3, at 11:30 am featuring the Rev. Cindy Shepherd from Faith in Place;
  • Our 11th Annual Cuba Forum starting with a presentation and light lunch on Saturday, October 5, at 11 am and a message by Rev. Jose Manuel on Sunday, October 6.  The Adult Discussion that morning will feature Elder Vilmarie.  Both serve with Presbyterian World Mission as Regional Liaisons for the Caribbean Region.


Newsletter, August 2024

Click August 2024 for the August Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, IL.  In this issue we feature…

  • Elementary Sunday School Pool Party August 11 from 4-6 pm at the home of the Ledfords.  RSVP to
  • Missionaries Jeff and Christie Boyd from the Congo will be our guests August 11-12.  We will host an Open House/Dialogue with the Boyds on Monday, August 12, at 1 pm in the Parlor.
  • All Church Picnic will be held Sunday, August 18, at 4 pm at Hessel Park.  Bring your favorite picnic food or dessert.  RSVP to church office or email so we know number of sandwiches to order.
  • Join Pastor Beth for coffee on Thursdays, August 21 and 28, from 10 am to noon at Espresso Royal in Village Green Plaza in Champaign.
  • Mark your calendars for Family Game Night on Tuesday, September 17, from 4:30-6 pm in Centennial Hall.  This is a part of Welcoming America Week.


Newsletter, July 2024

Click July 2024 to find the July Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.  This month we welcome Interim Pastor Beth Wagner after having said goodbye to Matt and Rachel Matthews. 

In this issue read about…

  • the work of a transitional pastor;
  • 2nd Sunday brunch July 14;
  • our summer Adult Education series on Wednesday evenings;
  • this year’s Raindrop Offering supports Mission Aviation Fellowship.  Learn more of what they provide through various countries.


Newsletter, June 2024

Click June 2024 for the June Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign, IL.  This issues contains information on…

  • Pastor/Head of Staff Matt Matthews has accepted a call along with his wife Rachel Matthews to become co-pastors in Valdese, North Carolina.  The June issue contains more information on his resignation along with the next steps for First Pres in Champaign.
  • Second Sunday Brunch on June 9 will recognize our graduates.
  • A Farewell Celebration will be held Sunday, June 23, honoring Matt and Rachel Matthews.
  • Sunday morning Adult Education has ended for the Summer.  Throughout the summer, Adult Education will be offered Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm in the Parlor or via zoom.  The first session begins June 19 on “What It Means to be ‘A Matthew 25 Congregation'”.
  • Lunches provided in May for the local Habitat Build were a BIG success.  (We are also doing June and July with all volunteer opportunities filled!)
  • Ngoma African Arts Festival June 23.


Newsletter, May 2024

April showers bring May flowers and the May issue of  news from First Presbyterian Church in Champaign.  Click May 2024 for the May issue.  This issue includes information on…

  • Spring Music Sunday, May 5, 9 am.  Our Chancel and Bell Choirs will be featured.  During worship, we will pray for our sister church in Luyano, Havana Cuba.
  • Take mom out to brunch on Mother’s Day.  We will serve a light brunch immediately following worship on Sunday, May 12.  Special gift for mom that day!
  • Pentecost Offering on May 19 will support DREAAM.
  • Presbyterian Women will host their Spring Gathering on Thursday, May 30, at 12 noon.  ALL are invited.
  • All graduates will be recognized on Sunday, June 9.  Get information to Pat Tarr on a graduate in your family.
  • Volunteers needed to help provide lunch for the Habitat Build participants in June.  Check out page 6 of this issue to see how you can sign up.

Read about these special events and more in the May issue.



Annual Reports