
Newsletter, February 2022

Click to see the February 2022 from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.  While February is a short month, it is full of lots of exciting things happening at the church!
  • See how you can help support CU at Home and their annual fundraiser One Winter Night on Friday, February 4.
  • Adult Sunday School resumes on Sunday, February 6, with Dave Bauer leading the discussion on “Paul, Human Nature and Faith.”
  • U of I Choral Department will be presenting Bach concerts in our Sanctuary at noon on February 16 and 23.  Free and open to the public so invite your neighbors!  Masks required.
  • John McCutcheon comes to town on Sunday, February 20, at 2 pm for another free concert in our Sanctuary.  Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required as well as face masks.

In an effort to publish the monthly newsletter earlier each month, the deadline has now changed to the 3rd Monday of the month preceding the issue.  February 2022’s deadline is Monday, January 17.


Newsletter, January 2022

Click January 2022 for the first Newsletter of 2022  from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.  Be sure to catch up from the holidays on what is happening…
  • Congregational Meeting this Sunday, January 16, immediately following the 9 am service.  Watch Friday mailer for zoom link.
  • In-person Sunday School resumes in February.  Resources available through throughout January.
  • Grab your Small Group/Adult Ed brochure beginning this Sunday, January 16.  Join a small group this new year!
  • ESL classes resume with remote learning week of January 17.
  • John McCutcheon in Concert Sunday, February 20, 2 pm.  Concert is FREE.  Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required.  Masks must be worn.

In an effort to publish the monthly newsletter earlier each month, the deadline has now changed to the 3rd Monday of the month preceding the issue.  February 2022’s deadline is Monday, January 17.


Newsletter, December 2021

Click the December newsletter for updates of what is happening at First Presbyterian Church this month.   In this issue…
    • Upcoming special services starting with the Chancel Choir’s Music Sunday this Sunday, December 12, and throughout the remainder of December including Christmas Eve;
    • Annual Youth Cookie Sale Sunday, December 12;
    • Updates from Children, Youth and Family;
    • Christmas Caroling party December 19;
    • Mission updates including the Christmas Joy Offering beginning December 19.


Newsletter, November 2021

Click November 2021 to find the November newsletter for First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.  In this issue…
  • “Faith in the Real World” on this Sunday, November 7, finds Pastor Matt having a conversation with our very own Harvey Hodges about his WWII experience. Please bring your questions for Harvey (and your own family stories) during the Sunday School hour for discussion. Harvey brought music–of all things–to the front lines of the European Theater. He crossed the English Channel with an M-1 and the Rhine with a trombone. This conversation will be one way we can think about and thank all of our Veterans. Remember, Veterans Day is Thursday, November 11th.
  • This Sunday too we will remember those who have died.  A special reading of the names from the last two years will be part of Sunday’s service.
  • Advent will be here before we know it.  Read what plans your church has for the coming Advent season.
  • CYF updates…including a Fellowship Event at Hardy’s Reindeer this Sunday, November 7.
  • Mission updates
  • Welcome to our new ESL Director Val Smith. 


Newsletter, October 2021

Below is the October Newsletter from the First Presbyterian Church of Champaign.  There is lots happening this Fall…

  • It’s back!  Trunk or Treat returns on Sunday, October 24, from 5-6 pm with  safety measures in place due to Covid.
  • Faith in the Real World continues through October.  This Sunday, October 10, at 10:15 enjoy Matthew Storie’s Quartet playing jazz music.
  • We welcome Judi Geistlinger to the staff!
  • CYF updates include more information on Trunk or Treat and how you can get involved.  Youth will have a fellowship outing to Hardy’s Reindeer Ranch on November 7.
  • Your Green Team (Environmental Stewardship) is promoting a discussion with Stephanie Jones, an Attorney in Climate Risk and Financial Regulations for the Environmental Defense fund, on October 14 from 3:30-4:30 pm.
  • Celebrate Fall…DREAAM is hosting a fall festival/fundraiser on Saturday, October 16, from noon to 3 pm at the Phillips Recreation Center.  Your Nurture Committee invites you for special treats on Sunday, October 24, at 10:10 am. – 2021.pdfOctober 2021



Annual Reports